Doc's Place

© 2008, Michel Grover. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 | Part 8
Saturday, September 15, 1984

Imagining Peter as a god upon some mountaintop and me the instrument of his will, I say, "These are natural forces we are releasing, Mr. Marriott. We identify critical weaknesses, apply pressure and step back. Pretend surprise as your underlings flail against a current of events they did not see coming and do not understand."

Still staring at me, Peter inhales and exhales, then says, "You have the job, Jill. Any requirements?"

"Several," I tell him. "First, order the CEO to find a hard ass to make the Reductions in Force, the RIFs."

Blinking, he asks, "What"s wrong with Louise, the current Human Resources manager?"

"Doesn"t have the stones for it."

The corners of his mouth barely rise. "Very well," he says and jots a note.

"Doc"s Place has a three-month probationary period before an employee acquires permanent status with full benefits. Also, Louise told me that I report to her."

Peter shrugs and asks, "So?"

"I start with permanent status and full benefits. I report directly to you, not anyone here at Doc"s Place."

"What difference does it make if you report to me, Jill?" he asks.

"When they fire me, Mr. Marriott."

He inhales and asks, "Fire you?"

"When I ignore what they tell me to do and do what's necessary, especially during the first three or four months, they"ll fire me several times."

The corners of his mouth lift an infinitesimal amount once more as he says, "You report to me." He flips a page in his notebook and writes.

"I will send you a letter of recommendation which you will sign and return before I start my employment," I tell him. "Shred anything they send you for my personnel file. The only items in my file are my application, my resume, a copy of my letter of recommendation and eventually, my termination."

Peter jots more notes and looks at me, waiting.

"At one month, I take four hours a day paid time off and at two months, I take six hours a day paid time off. This is independent of accrued vacation, of course."

"Why so much time off every day?" he asks.

"At first, my presence will annoy the most vulnerable and desperate executives. By the time this plan is in full operation, I will have become a major irritant. They"ll want to intimidate and control me but I"ll hardly ever be around. When I am, I'll seem immune to their manipulation." So much for fitting in: I'll become a pariah as I divert attention away from a sale and toward the bumbling executives.

He begins to smile, but stops and says, "I must have you here more than that. How about two hours off per day at six months and four hours off per day at twelve months?"

Stare into his eyes as I think about it. As casino operations productivity and revenues rise against increased expenses for layoffs and remodeling, profit will remain steady. Over time, Peter will see it my way.

Perhaps he thinks he has just pissed me off. Suddenly, he says, "In exchange, I"ll double your vacation accrual from two weeks to four weeks. However, you cannot take the four weeks off until the eighteen-month period is complete."

Look at him for a moment, reviewing all of it. "Deal," I tell him and stand.

Blinking up at me, he rises to his feet and asks, "When can you start?"

"How about October first? It's a Monday."

"Good," he says, "Stephanie will prepare the offer for you and Louise to sign. She will also prepare a contract for us to sign. Please wait a few minutes in Louise"s office."

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Doc's Place Chat
© 2008, Michel Grover.
Chapter 1 | Part 8
Spring 2008

Mic :
In the left frame, I'm posting Doc's Place, one of my copyrighted stories. I'll post a part of a chapter, wait for a while so people may leave comments or questions and then post those I find interesting.

Cyril :

When I read that paragraph at the left, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Alright, I've never been a corporate attorney with Machiavellian desires upon my fellow men and women, but can a man be so vain as to hire a woman who simply strokes his vanity to get a job? On one hand, I look at Peter and say, what a fool! The man not only offers her the job but with his next sentence, he hands her a blank check. What idiot does that?

On the other, I look back on my own experiences in academia and I realize that I have seen this petit drama played out time and again. All students or new interns need do is pout their lips and pretend willingness to kiss a professor's or chairman's buttocks and poof! They receive access to precious library materials, laboratory facilities and grant money. It's sad, so sad but all too common.

Jules :
Hey Cyril, smoke a bowl and chill out, man. Peter's not acting only out of vanity but the desire to keep the casino's profit and revenues high until his employer can sell it for a profit. He does that, he gets a fat bonus check, which he shares with Jill and others who help him do it.

Suze :
Gawd Mic, I thought you were screening us from rants. Poor Cyril is witness to all the tragedy in the world. Cyril, why not just slit your wrists and get it over with?

Lucia :

Actually Suze, Cyril is employing an effective tool—the polemic—to bash the very institution that employs him and others like him all over the world. To do that in a reasonable manner takes a certain fearlessness and ferocity that I, for one, respect.

Mic :
Cyril teaches business ethics and composition at a prominent London college. He's a local hero among his peers and students because, as Lucia points out, he's not afraid to stick it to the man. His popularity with us commoners is that he feels our pain. However, the reason he's here is to serve as our resident gadfly. Welcome, Cyril.

Cyril :
Thanks. Based on yesterday's discussion, I should also add that I am black, not a virgin and quite gay, though not a peacock about it. Suze, I promise neither to rant nor slit my wrists over the bathos that surrounds us if you will but forgive me for seeming to do both.

Alan :
So, which church do you belong to, Cyril?

Cyril :
Prefer to ingest my opiates, thanks.

Alan :
Thought so. Do you think Jill really puckered up?

Cyril :
No but she certainly had him lulled, didn't she?

Steph :
Why don't you answer his question about your church instead of blathering?

Cyril :

Forgive me, Stephanie. I am Anglican by birth and snake-charmer by choice, and you?

By the way, Alan, Jill was able to wrest a blank check from this self-styled sociopath. Ha! He's an amateur snake in lamb's fleece compared to Her Viciousness.

Benny :
Snake charmer, huh? Think you can charm Peter or Jill?

Cyril :
Don't kick my black ass for this Benny, but I choose my battles and battlegrounds with care. Doesn't mean I'm a coward, just discreet. For your next question, whereas I charm `em, Jill hunts and kills `em. For example, are you aware that Jill served as a government assassin-for-hire during the years 1972 through 1974?

Ben :
What are you sayin

Cyril :

Crack the files marked top secret codeword and eyes only on Jill, Ben ol' buddy, and you'll find more than a thousand kills—all legal—to her credit. For many of those contracts, Jill targeted convicted, violent felons but she hunted and killed them nonetheless. Wait. Let's ask her. Jill, do you deny being a contract killer for the federal government?

Jill :
I agree with Stephanie. Sounds like a lot of blather.

Cyril :
No denial, but no confirmation either. There you are Benny, I'm a failure as a snake charmer. Maybe I'll go back to being an Anglican. What do you feel about it, Stephanie?

Steph :
No idea what you're talking about, but you shouldn't make accusations you can't support.

Cyril :
Damn, why didn't I think of that? Okay, try this.

Tell us another story, Jill. How about the morning after you arrive in Reno? You visit Pere offices and then drive south to Carson City. Take Arrowhead east to Highway 50 and out to the ranches where your boyfriend runs a couple whorehouses. Junkyard out there. Remember?

Jill :
Yes, the junkyard belongs to a friend of mine named Walter. I went there that morning to lease storage space for my shop tools and supplies.

Cyril :
Why don't you tell us about it in your own words?

Jill :
That'll take time. As Maria said, took us 7 parts to cover an 8-hr drive.

Cyril :
Take all the time you need, don't leave anything out and bring on the interruptions.

Ian :
Why don't you simply flat deny Cyril's accusation, Jill?

Maria :
Why haven't you told us about your boyfriend?

Doug :
Your boyfriend runs whorehouses?

Les :
Who owns the whorehouses?

Raj :
Haiku: Yesterday, our tears, not sad, flowed for your dry eyes; now we have questions.

Mic :
The reason for bringing in Cyril the gadfly should be obvious now. Suze has touched upon how disgusting Jill's intentions can seem. Alan asked us what do we do about the gunslinger when she's finished her job. Cyril has stated but has not provided detail to support his statement that Jill served as a paid government assassin for a couple years. Things are about to get ugly, people.

Ian :
In the left or right frame?

Mic :