"How did your luncheon go?" asks Lloyd as she sets down the packet from Alvin. It looks thick and heavy. When I shrug, she asks, "What do you think of their relationship?"
"They seem to be in love and seem to have made a lifetime commitment to one another, Lloyd."
"I had no idea they were shacking up together but they seem happy when I talk to them. They're probably glad it's in the open now," says Lloyd. "Are they going to move in together?"
"After Le's daughter has time to get used to the idea of sharing her mom."
"How did they take your re-structuring, Jill?"
"They seemed delighted. It's what Le is comfortable doing and Mei loves the idea of being in charge of a revenue-producing unit. I told them to go back to the office, make the announcements and start immediately." Show Lloyd the org chart.
She looks it over for a moment and asks, "Who's this SIA CEO?"
"Don't know yet."
"You're creating an entirely new company for the purposes of security and audit. That's impressive." When I do not respond, Lloyd asks, "Mei takes Le's office?"
"On the Pere side, yes. Le moves to the Chief Financial side. She will fire Pineki as soon as she finds a replacement now that she realizes that the director has to make a profit and perhaps take over in her absence."
"What kind of guy is Pineki? I've never met anyone on the Chief Financial side."
"As it should be, Lloyd. Chief used to provide financial oversight for Pere. SIA provides that oversight now, and Chief provides financial and data services for Pere and Aliversal. Le says Harold Pineki impressed her during the interview. He is young and attractive, always wears a suit and looks great. He's a good organizer but he can't take Chief Financial into the black. He doesn't even agree that he should so Le will replace him."
"That won't happen with my choices for the foundation," says Lloyd. "I sketched out position descriptions this morning with Le and Mei. Strong development experience is critical."
"Good. Have they been helpful to you, Lloyd?"
"Are you kidding? Mei is a genius at revenue generation. Le is a genius at operational efficiency and organization."
"Speaking of organization, Sara, the independent auditor I've hired to go through the Pere books and systems arrives at nine tonight."
"Okay. Want to come with me to pick her up at the airport?"
"Yes, I do. We'll bring her here tonight and then make arrangements."
"I'll help Soji get the guest room ready."
We look at one another for a couple seconds and smile. We're synchronizing well. She's confident around me. Ask her, "So, have you made friends with your terminal yet?"
"Yeah, I changed my menu immediately."
"I did too." Pull on my headset. "I'd better find out how things are going at my day job."
Lloyd grins, shakes her head and turns to her terminal.
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