Doc's Place

© 2008, Michel Grover. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 | Part 6
Saturday, September 15, 1984

He writes some more, then stares at his notes. "It is fair," he says, still studying his notes. "Alright, I'll pay you all three bonuses if you achieve both objectives. Now, how will you do it?"

My impression is that Peter loves to manipulate and incite conflict. Following this instinct, I ask, "Who are the top executives at Doc's Place?"

"Phil Garrett, President; Kerry North, Vice President of Casino Operations; Paul Manookian, Director of Marketing; and Max Book, Director of Human Resources."

"On my first day, bring the executives to Las Vegas for a meeting with you at Ferro headquarters. Before they leave, they must propose a plan to maintain steady profit at seasonally adjusted levels during layoffs and remodeling to get their bonuses. Tell them their compensation plan depends upon that criterion. Give me three days: a day to evaluate the second-tier executives, a day to draft plans and a day to get budget approvals." Pausing a moment, I ask, "Questions so far?"

Closing his eyes briefly, he asks, "What will their three-day absence accomplish?" By the time he finishes his question, he is staring at me.

"The executives return to find me and my plans part of the infrastructure. During the next two weeks, Ill find a reason to work from home as I demand the resources in my approved budget. Meanwhile, you maintain pressure on them to keep profits steady."

"What will your plans accomplish? What will those plans require?"

Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees, stare into his eyes and say, "I'll select an intervention that produces immediate improvements to profitable operation. Then I'll propose to begin that intervention with casino executives and managers. The chief executive and operating officers will object to my meddling with revenue, of course, to the point of threatening to resign. Ignore their objections and insist that I proceed."

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Doc's Place Chat
© 2008, Michel Grover.
Chapter 1 | Part 6
Early Spring 2008

Mic :
In the left frame, I'm posting Doc's Place, one of my copyrighted stories. I'll post a part of a chapter, wait for a while so people may leave comments or questions and then post those I find interesting.

Raj :
If being accurate, Peter acceded close to easily in negotiations.

Lucia :
I agree, but I think Peter folded because he wanted to hear what Jill would propose. He loves the feeling of all those people dancing at the end of their strings like puppets.

Ian :
Pulling all of the Doc's Place executives down to Vegas is brilliant. Gives Jill time to mark her territory and then boom! She's working from home for 2 wks and can't be challenged.

Raj :
Mark her territory?

Ian :
As predators do. Crude metaphor, I realize, but you get my meaning, right?

Suze :
I realize I'm new and many of you have been involved for four or more sessions so please don't take offense. I'm sorry, but you cannot be taking this seriously can you? Mic is writing a novel and using this blog as a way to get his novel published. You do realize, don't you, that Jill may not, in fact, exist?

Lucia :
No offense taken, Suze but the same applies to you, does it not? How do we know Mic didn't cook up you and your argument just to pre-empt any similar objection later?

Ben :
While you're answering Lucia's question, Suze, could you also provide more evidence of this possible duplicity? By the way, where're you from?

Suze :
New Jersey, and just to avoid unintentional insults, I'm a permanent quadriplegic so I tend to question everything. Ben, I'll answer you first. Mic says he edits posts so as not to post errors and so on. Isn't that just a ruse to cover the fact that all our posts may look similar? And Lucia, you're making my point. I know I exist and I'm sure each of you knows you do. However, which of us are mere figments of Mic's imagination to add veracity to his chat page here at the right side of his story? By the way, just to prove that I have an imagination, I am one of the wealthiest landowners and businesswomen in Second Life, the virtual world.

Ben :
Finished, Suze? Got it all out of your system?

Suze :
Uh-oh, looks like you're about to hand me my hat . . . or maybe my head on a platter.

Ben :
Nothing that dramatic. It's good to have another woman's view and a critical thinker to boot. I hope you stay with us and continue your criticism as long as you support it. Problem with your theory is that I found Jill. Cost a few hundred bucks but we have copies of Jill's birth certificate, her passport, her educational records from elementary school through master's degree, her teaching certificate, her military records and her employment records. We have yours too, Mic. Sorry but I had to satisfy my curiosity.

Mic :
No problem.

Ben :
Jill received an honorable discharge from the Air Force in March 1975 as a Staff Sergeant or E-5 which is almost unheard of for a 4yr enlistee. She received the Air Force Commendation medal with two clusters and a Purple Heart. Jill's GPA in undergraduate and graduate school is 3.98 and 3.99 respectively. She still holds both top-secret codeword and secret clearances from the Department of Defense's Office of Special Investigations. Until 1985, Jill held a teaching certificate in the state of Utah. She is the founding editor of her department alumni magazine and Tarrant's Hotel and Casino employees' magazine. She was the editor of Doc's Talks, the employees' magazine at Doc's Place. Mic has similar accomplishments in his areas of specialty but not as exemplary as Jill's, which I'm sure he does not mind my saying.

Mic :

Les :
What about Jill's wealth?

Ben :
No evidence of that whatsoever. If she's wealthy, she hides it well.

Suze :
How about Peter Marriott?

Doug :
Proving that my father exists is even easier than proving Jill and Mic exist. And yes, I concede that he is an asshole.

Ben :
Those 4 Doc's Place execs? Obviously, Mic has changed the names but I'm certain I know every one of those guys.

Lucia :
I'd like to add another question. Mic has more or less told us all this stuff but beyond all the proof and la-de-da, who cares? We're participating because he's writing a mildly interesting story at the left but I'm here for the chat, baby. I've participated in a lot of forums, chats and blogs over the last year or so since attending university and this one is the most interesting to me.

Ian :
We should also say that we participate because he lets us in so we can participate. It's like an exclusive club. I have plenty of friends who read this every day and submit comments and questions but never get in. What's so special about the 13 of us?

Jill :

I'll take that one. You people represent the prevailing comments and questions I've been receiving. For example, I let Suze in today because, as Ben says, she's a reasonable person with a critical point of view—as long as she supports it.

Suze :
Woman. Ben said, "It's good to have another woman's view and a critical thinker to boot."

Mic :
Right. Jill, will you finish your story about Carmine stopping you in Elko?

Jill :
I will.

Steph :
Why do you keep posting my chats, Mic? You obviously despise me.

Mic :
I deny that. You don't like me and you don't hesitate to say why. You represent the viewpoint of a lot of people.

Benny :
Why am I in?

Mic :
You're a kid and you don't rant mindlessly.

Benny :
Don't forget I'm subtle and funny too.

Mic :
Oh yeah. Remind me now and then, okay?

Carlo :
What am I? The token Hispanic?

Mic :
You're Hispanic, Carlo? I thought you were Jewish.

Suze :
No, that would be me.

Carlo :
Funny. How many other blacks beside me?

Benny :
Me. Bet I'm the only virgin in the group too.

Suze :
No, that would be me too, Benny but I'm not black.

Les :
I'm black but I'm not a virgin, I don't think. Hang on, I'll ask my wife.

Raj :
Indo-Aryan, I think we are called, having just licked it up. I am also a virgin although I have not had sex with a woman yet but where I do I'll report as fastening when possible.

Mic :
Makes sense to me.